employee appreciation quotes funny

Employee Appreciation Quotes That’ll Make You Laugh!

Amongst employee appreciation quotes funny ones are our favorites. They make us laugh while making us think. Employee appreciation quotes funny ones especially, are listed below to make you laugh&smile. Enjoy! Employee Appreciation Quotes “I choose a lazy person to … Read More

employee retention analytics

Employee Retention Analytics are of Great Importance

How can employee retention analytics help us to keep employees? Did you know it takes an average of two years to go back to pre-loss productivity levels after losing a key employee? A high rate of staff turnover is bad … Read More

high performance management

Employee Engagement and Work Life Balance

Employee engagement and work life balance are closely related. Work is a big part of our lives and a happy and peaceful atmosphere at the workplace helps us to be engaged in life itself. Because as human beings we need … Read More

christmas employee appreciation ideas

Christmas Employee Appreciation Ideas

Christmas employee appreciation ideas are fun to think about heartwarming ideas and activities. Companies are already planning a surprise for their employees and business partners before the end of the year, despite just returning from their long summer break. We … Read More

Employee Appreciation Ideas for 2023

15 Employee Appreciation Ideas for 2023 

As we go closer to the year 2023, let’s take a look at the subject of employee appreciation ideas for 2023. In order to keep the workplace interesting and dynamic, we need fresh approaches to employee appreciation. In a time … Read More

employee anger

Employee Appreciation Quotes Boost Morale

Employee appreciation quotes are likely to inspire your group to work together effectively and achieve your goals. Here is how and why. By sharing positive quotes with your employees you’ll foster positivity in the workplace and that brings prosperity and … Read More

work anniversary cookies

Work Anniversary Cookies Ideas and More

Everyone loves sweets, which is why we decided to compose a little piece about work anniversary cookies. Empactivo is at your disposal to enhance the working conditions of your employees… Therefore, today we will talk about work anniversary cookies to … Read More

emotional intelligence for leaders

Collective Fun: Puzzles for Employee Newsletter

Have you ever thought of puzzles for employee newsletter? If not maybe it’s just the time! By doing so you would encourage team building. It’s not always simple, but being on a team may help you develop talents that would … Read More

difference between appreciation and recognition

Disengaged Employee, We are Here for You!

Let’s face it; sometimes we all are disengaged employee. There are days when none of us feel like giving our whole effort. Our thoughts are on the weekend for a variety of reasons: we’re looking forward to a much-needed vacation, … Read More

the speed of trust

What is Peer to Peer Recognition in 3 Questions

What is peer to peer recognition question has one answer! That is; one in which team members are given a chance to appreciate and recognize one another’s accomplishments on a more grassroots level. Managers may help it along by using … Read More