employee motivation

How Culture Affects Employee Motivation

Employee motivation is a topic that can be considered from many different angles. One of them is its relation to company culture. We don’t have to tell you how important it is to have happy workers in order to have … Read More

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employee engagement mobile app

Employee Engagement Mobile App Empactivo

Engagement and employee involvement is more critical in the hectic workplace of today. Not only are engaged workers more efficient, but they also help the company to be successful generally and to have a good culture. Using an employee engagement … Read More

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internal communications

Ensuring Security and Efficiency: Internal Communication

The foundation of a company’s operations in the technologically linked environment of today is its internal communication network. Emails, video conferences, sensitive file sharing—all communications within an internal company network have to be handled with great care. This management guarantees … Read More

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life's work meaning

What is Your Life’s Work Meaning?

Life’s work meaning is hard to answer when sometimes we are caught in a cycle of work, home, and repeat. Many people run after promotions, better pay, or the next great project without pausing to consider what it all means. … Read More

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employee anger

Managing Employee Anger: A Handbook for Business Owners

Employee anger in the workplace can be a very serious situation. Emotions run strong in every workplace, and one that can be especially difficult to manage is anger. When an employee gets enraged, it’s crucial to handle the matter sympathetically … Read More

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underappeciated at work

Feeling Underappreciated at Work: An Interpretive Viewpoint

Hello dear readers! One of the most frequent problems I run across as a psychotherapist is clients’ sense of being underappreciated at work. Though sometimes disregarded, this attitude can have major psychological effects on general well-being as well as job … Read More

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emotional leadership

Emotional Intelligence at Work: Why it Matters?

What is emotional intelligence at work and why it matters? It’s a very crucial topic and it’s never enough to talk about it when it comes to the workplace. The concept of emotional intelligence emerged in the 1990s as part … Read More

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what makes work meaningful

What Makes Work Meaningful for Employees?

Today we want to discuss a very fundamental question about business life. What makes work meaningful? The answer may differ for various individuals. It is beneficial to see the bigger picture from time to time, rather than focusing on tiny … Read More

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dei initiatives

Supporting DEI Initiatives: Views from a Remote Employee

Being a remote employee, I have seen how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs can help shape and improve our virtual offices. DEI is a dedication to building a workplace where everyone feels appreciated and empowered regardless of background or … Read More

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7 ways to build trust in a team

7 Ways to Build Trust in a Team

What are the 7 ways to build trust in a team? A team’s success and a good work atmosphere depend on the members developing confidence. Any great team starts with trust, which fosters honest communication, cooperation, and mutual respect. These … Read More

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