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Cyberbullying: How to Avoid It?

Cyberbullies or trolls are people who intentionally provoke others and enjoy that situation. Maybe there are cyberbullies in your office. If you are suspecting someone is cyberbullying you, here are some tips on how to identify trolls, how to be … Read More

5 Most Common Distractions Remote Employees Face

While working remotely lots of distractions exist around employees. A crying baby, construction noise, some noisy neighbor, or a pet who wants attention… Moreover, not only physical distractions happen. Internet cut, toxic communication are also problems. Here are some important … Read More

Shoulder-Neck Health During Remote Work

The health of your shoulders and neck is very important during remote work and also in the office. Working in front of a screen for a long period of time means having problems related to the shoulder and neck. As … Read More

Generation Z

New Generation At The Work-place: Generation Z

How do they behave? What kind of changes will they cause in the workplace? Let’s trace together our new generation; Generation Z.   Who Are Generation Z ers?  You might think Gen Zers show up as a utilitarian, risk-avoiding, nonenterprising group. While a paycheck is the most important aspect of a job, for gen Zers it … Read More

Budget-Friendly Employee Rewarding Ideas

Companies have lots of criteria to consider about employee rewarding. One of these criteria is cost. There are different ideas about employee rewarding which might have low cost and also useful. Moreover, some of them don’t even have a cost. … Read More

10 Tips To Handle Digital Fatigue

A new saying is taking place in our minds; “digital fatigue”. Employees sit in front of their computers all day long and all of their interactions are as digital as their works. They even order their groceries online to stay … Read More

hr trends

8 Employee Recognition Ideas in 2021

 The remote work system during the pandemic has created a consciousness shift in the business world. Work@Home for every employee regardless of the company size has become the new normal with its own pros and cons. Projecting the experience of 2020 to … Read More

Adapting Company Culture to Hybrid Workplace After Vaccine

2020 was a year in which the business world had to learn to develop company culture online. We all know that virtual love and organic love do not taste the same. But sometimes lovers have to fall apart in order to meet … Read More