Active employee listening is a skill that is very important for clear communication. It requires a mindful approach, calm behavior, and a little bit of patience. It’s outstanding benefits worth. Philosopher Martin Buber thought about relationships in a way the only relationship is the relationship with the world. He says in his amazing book “Between Man and Man”, there are two ways of being in contact with someone. One way is to use other humans as objects and not respecting them as they have their world of imagination and emotion and ideas. The other way is allowing them to change you. In other words, getting extra flexible during the communication and change together with the flow of the conversation. Here lies the fundamental principle of active listening.
There are essential qualities you must have to be an active listener. These qualities are; paying attention, being open to adaptation, being in your peaceful center, and being aware. These are said easily then performed. Here we will give you some practical tips to become an active listener and/or stay as one.
Duration of concentration is short notice for many humans. Staying in the moment and being able to concentrate may look impossible to you. Even so, don’t worry. It is a muscle you can train and strengthen. You can attend certain educations. You can read books about being mindful and centered. Finally, you can add meditation to your daily routine.
-Meditation is a practice in which we try to expand our focus duration.-
So, what are the results of active employee listening?

1. Non-toxic Communication
One of the most dealt with problems in the world is toxic communication. It is almost impossible to fully understand someone in the terms of being human. We have an insurmountable bridge between us. And, if we don’t pay attention or give the effort that bridge gets wider and longer every day. Maybe we can’t communicate through telepathy but, we sure can give some effort to understand other’s perspectives. The only way to do this is by listening.
2. Better Business Quality
This output is not a surprise! In a place people get along perfectly, the team works become more collaborative. Every aspect of a job is taken care of by different people in a company. So, if everybody is feeling they’ve been heard, they’ll be prone to collaboration.
3. Expanded Life Experience
Life is all about including yourself in some events, gatherings, or even a little job. It’s healthy to willingly express yourself and being ready to conversate. In an environment, where everybody listened carefully to be understood, general life satisfaction would rise.
4. Engaged Employees
If you put just one principle and if it’d be about communication, voila! You’ve solved one of the most said problems! If you use and make use of active employee listening as a part of company culture, it won’t be a surprise your company having long-term employees. In a place people get heard they tend to stay longer. So, if you can see the logic behind that fact take action!