How to help an employee on their career growth and also create a more productive work environment both for your company and employees in it?
How are your staff being treated?
Is there anything you’re doing to keep your best workers around?
These are crucial questions for personnel executives today in the aftermath of the great retention. It takes more than simply supplying important benefits to make work a meaningful experience for employees — many of which are no longer as valuable in remote or hybrid settings. Your employees’ goals must be linked to your company’s goals in order for growth and development to take place.
People want more from their companies than just a living income, better health insurance, and the ability to work from home sometimes. They’re on the lookout for new job routes and chances to make a real difference in their lives. There is a desire to learn new skills, find a new profession, and feel accepted at work.
Even though employers are well aware of this, over 75% of employees said they would quit their current position due to a lack of advancement opportunities. Employee experience may be improved by linking workers to the company’s mission and providing them with greater control over their own development.
HR’s Purpose on Career Growth
When it comes to career development and implementation, HR professionals have a wide range of responsibilities
There is no longer a captive population of workers from whom HR professionals can manage the trajectory of their career progression. As a result, HR is no longer able to guarantee a place on the ladder or a rise to the top. HR should inspire workers to take charge of their own ladders in light of the new model for career growth in the 21st century. Many companies give workers techniques and support in order to help them grow as individuals. But this is no more the only choice available to employees.
When it comes to providing workers with career advancement and advancement possibilities, HR has a lot on its plate. Instead of focusing on business employment, learning and improvement should be centered on preparing the person for lifelong employment.
Here is another blog post on managing the fear of technology for HR Pros.
Career Growth Aspiration And Motivation
Aspiration and motivation are the responsibility of each person, but managers provide the advice and support required to get there. Employer feedback, assessments, and development projects should reflect the company’s notion of success. A second area in which HR professionals may take the lead is the development of employee career pathways. Managers should learn to see their people as more than just a means to an end; they should see them as a resource for the whole firm. It is more likely that managers who think this way are more likely than those who don’t to encourage participants to build themselves in areas beyond their current departments for the greater good of the firm. HR may help in the process of advancing a person up the career ladder when they are promoted internally.
Creating and enforcing rules and processes that are fair, effective, and regularly implemented. As part of this, it’s important to create rules for publishing or not posting open jobs, as well as the wording and schedule of promotions.
Providing workers with career guidance, assisting managers in developing clear selection criteria, and minimizing the impact on individuals who aren’t promoted.
- Transition assistance for freshly promoted staff.
- Retaining non-selected individuals’ talents in anticipation of future employment chances inside the company.
- See Advancing their careers.
In addition to their duties as HR professionals, HR professionals must also seek advice on how to improve and progress their own careers, even if they’re responsible for helping others do so.
Assist Them In Creating A Plan For Their Future Career Growth
Establish a clear growth path for your staff, starting with the biggest boulders and working your way down to the smallest pebbles, with the help of your employees, just as you would when defining effective goals. Allowing them to take charge of their own future while allowing you to keep track of their development is a win-win situation for both of you. Aside from becoming a manager, you’ll also become a leader.
Building Traditional Career Ladders and Pathways – Career Growth
Career path activities at the company level need not be complicated. Managers may simply role-play how to discuss career ambitions or utilize career mapping with their staff. Developing defined career pathways for all roles in a business is a more challenging undertaking. Individuals are encouraged to continue climbing their career ladders as long as they are able and their employers keep offering them possibilities, according to traditional career ladder models.

Maps of a person’s career
Career mapping is a useful technique for managers and HR professionals to utilize when they are conducting career planning meetings with their workers. Employees may use career maps to assist them to think ahead about their career routes and how to achieve their professional objectives inside the business rather than leaving it in order to go forward.
Three stages are included in career mapping:
Self-assessment; Employees’ knowledge, skills, and talents, as well as their prior experiences, successes, and interests, are examined by a manager.
A detailed plan for each person’s professional path; Making an individual career map requires finding alternative roles in the company that are compatible with the employee’s interests. It’s possible that this is a promotion or a lateral shift into a new work category. There should be an emphasis on using an employee’s prior experiences and motivation while also pushing them to learn a specific amount of new knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) in order to keep them motivated and involved in their job.
To take a look around; This is the last phase in the process of career mapping, which is to look into alternative employment openings inside the company.
HR must provide the required tools for managers and workers to properly perform career mapping.
How Do You Build a Career Plan?
1) Your organizational chart should be updated.
To begin, if you don’t already have one, make one. Make sure that if you have one, it’s current.
An organizational chart is a visual representation of the hierarchical structure of your business. A good illustration of this may be seen in the image above. Hierarchy and connections are shown in a graphical form.
Traditional, flat, or anything in between: Your company’s structure is up to you.
2) make sure your org chart and business strategy are in sync. Are you planning to expand your offerings? What new markets are you looking to break into? In certain cases, you may need to create jobs, teams, or departments that you don’t already have.
3) Define the roles and responsibilities of each position
For each job description, describe the most important tasks for that position. Consider the educational and certification requirements, as well as the hard/soft talents.
4) Be meticulous and thorough. Examine recently completed tasks to ensure that you haven’t overlooked any skills. In addition, provide each position’s key performance indicators (KPIs). What criteria do you use to judge a project’s success? Take a look at the top performers in each position. How, for example, do they succeed?
Job profiling is another name for this process, and it may help determine whether a job description falls inside a certain career cluster. Often referred to as job families, career groups are a collection of occupations that have a common quality or attribute.

The Pathway for Every Skill Set You’re Trying to Develop
It’s time to look at the wider picture once you’ve established your job roles. Each department, team, or company function should have its own roadmap or professional path. How can a new employee go through the ranks? Is it required to make any horizontal adjustments? Is there a way to accommodate a wide range of personality types?
An HR assistant, for example, maybe an entry-level role in an HR job family like that. Before becoming a CHRO, an employee may work as a benefits expert, a recruiter, or an assistant director of HR.
It’s important to remember that there isn’t a single road that leads from one position to the next. Many more employment options are available to those who do not work in highly specialized positions. This may be a fantastic asset in helping each individual choose the career path that’s best for them personally. Many will have a lateral move or two in them.
5) Determine Training Requirements in the Workplace
The next stage is to see whether you have the ability to bring your staff along for the ride. To begin, make a list of all of the existing training programs, both internal and external.
With what you’ve got, can your staff progress in their careers?
Is it crucial to your company’s culture to have peer or leadership mentorship?
Inquire about the results of the departure interviews. What are the most common reasons for workers to leave your company?
Your employees should be surveyed. What kind of instruction do they require?
Which divisions use internal hiring? Which departments use external contractors?
6) Organize Training and Development Sessions
This step will obviously take the greatest time and money if you haven’t made a significant investment in training.
This is the section of your Career Path Program that you can really put into action. Create a list of requirements and a timetable for putting them into action.
Disruption of the status quo is a possibility, of course. Of course, that’s exactly the purpose!
Build your company strategy on vertical growth plans. Afterward, you’ll be able to include it in your spending plan.
What Gallup refers to as a ‘coaching culture’ may be created by those who succeed. This is what makes a great business great.
Keep a Record of Your Professional Development
Let’s take a look back at what we’ve learned so far. When we are talking about career growth the following should be in your possession at this point:
Diagram of the organization’s structure
Job Descriptions
Career Pathways/Roadmaps Mentors
Timetables for Exercise and Physical Fitness
7) Chart the Professional Path of Each Employee
Career Growth Plan is now ready to go to work for you. During the onboarding process for new employees, you will perform this. In the case of current workers, this will be done at their annual performance evaluations.
Managers should talk about the employee’s short- and long-term objectives and expectations at the career mapping discussion. If your managers aren’t currently doing this, you’ll need to get them up to speed. Managers will evaluate their employees’ work and talk about the best way to assign responsibilities moving ahead. Make certain that your supervisors have regular opportunities for training scheduled. Keep a copy of the employee’s career path in their records.
As you can see with a little effort and lots of passion you can create a pleasant workplace both for you and your employees with a career growth plan! Employee experience is enhancing and it is a great thing if you look at the bigger picture!