How To Keep Remote Teams On Track

A remote work area is a virtual place. Working at a virtual place has a list with numerous titles of positive sides. It also has its negative sides. One of those negative sides might be the uncertainty of knowing if an employee is working effectively. Here we compile some useful ideas to keep remote teams on track.

In Between Work

Since there isn’t any physical office to gather around and socialize, employees don’t have a place to satisfy their social needs. Work used to be about, earning money, giving effort and most of all socialize. In a remote workplace, the last aspect is hanging in the air. There isn’t a coffee machine to go to every time an employee feels bored. What can be done is bringing that coffee machine to their home. This can be done by organizing just for fun meetings in between work times. In those meetings, employees can gather around at a virtual cafe. This can be named in a lovely way like “Virtual Coffee ” or “Imaginary Touch”. Remote employees also can be encouraged to open their cameras during meetings. (Without suppression) Opening a video camera means preparation to go out in public. By that preparation, employees would feel their sociality is satisfied.

Games are Fun!

Playing online games is another option to create a bond among teams. Employees get to know each other deeply through those games. If they bond to each other they also bond to their jobs. Those games can be played on, …. and …… Loners could also be encouraged to join those games and feel a part of the community. A chain is only strong as its weakest ring. Those games can be about employees themselves. For example, a guessing game might be an option. A specific character trait would be shown and employees would have to guess whose it is.

Checking In Frequently And Constantly Is Essential!

On the other hand, some people need an eye on them to work. Asking the employees how they are doing with the ongoing project frequently (without micromanagement) would remind them they are in an office even it is virtual. They’ll know they have responsibilities and they have to answer their leaders when they check-in. By using this tactic, the problem of not using a physical office would get eliminated easily.

Team Spirit is Connective!

People who work together are responsible for each other. A job done by one of them affects the other one. You can obtain your goal by nourishing the team spirit. Always support team members to build trust-based relationships among them. According to Milana Virtanen from Metropolia, half of the remote workers feel there could be more communication. 

It is easy to adjust to the changes when looked at the correct angle. Since the remote work culture is spreading these aspects get more important than before. It is easy to keep remote teams on track with the right attitude. Remote teams would quit being unknown to you by determining a road map.

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