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the speed of trust

The Workplace Expressway: The Speed of Trust

One idea stands out in today’s dynamic workplace as the engine that propels productive teamwork, smooth operations, and a healthy company culture: “The Speed of Trust.” This expression, first used in Stephen M.R. Covey‘s seminal work, captures the essence of … Read More

emotional intelligence for leaders

Fostering Achievement: The Value of Emotional Intelligence For Leaders

Emotional intelligence for leaders is a very important asset. Leadership as we once knew it is changing in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing workplaces. Emotional intelligence (EI) is becoming seen as just as crucial for leaders as technical expertise and long-term vision. … Read More

global mindset

Creating an Global Mindset at Work

Having a global mindset is essential in today’s competitive job market due to the ever-increasing interconnectedness of the globe. To have a global mentality is to be open to new ideas and ways of doing business from a variety of … Read More

emotional intelligence for leaders

Employee Onboarding Challenges and Ideas

Employee onboarding challenges are real and they are solvable with a certain amount of attention. We will give you some ideas on this subject today. To say that an employee’s onboarding procedure is important would be an understatement. Training new … Read More

employee recognition wording

Building a High-Development Culture Through Your Employee Engagement Strategy

Building a high-development culture through your employee engagement strategy sounds fancy, doesn’t it? But how is it possible? Your employee engagement strategy is your tunnel to build a high-development culture. Here is how… Defining your culture as a starting point … Read More

curiosity at work

Curiosity at Work: Source of a Happy Working Life

Curiosity at work is what you feel burning within when you start a new career. You begin to see the world through new lenses and find excitement in learning something new. Then, however, the peaks and valleys disappear, and everything … Read More

employees and brand ambassadors

Employees Brand Ambassadors in the Workplace

What is the relationship between employees and brand ambassadors? Let’s be honest here. You want your staff to represent your company well in the marketplace. You want them to be enthusiastic advocates for your business. But how can you bring … Read More

employee engagement committee

How to Develop a Culture of Inclusion

How to develop a culture of inclusion? Building an inclusive corporate culture is becoming more and more important in today’s society. It’s not enough to just employ a diverse workforce; you also need to create an environment where everyone feels … Read More

the work of the future shaping technology and institution

Employee Engagement vs Employee Satisfaction

Employee engagement vs employee satisfaction is a relationship all companies must consider if they want an engaged workforce with high satisfaction levels. In the business environment, we might describe the idea of “engagement” as the amount of motivation and passion, … Read More

talent lifecycle

The Value of Knowing Talent Lifecycle

As a business, it is crucial to understand the talent lifecycle and its distinct phases in order to manage and grow your people properly. The talent lifecycle encompasses the phases of an employee’s career, from their initial employment and onboarding … Read More