Why is Employee Recognition Important

why is employee recognition important

So we are asking, why is employee recognition important? Consider a teammate who is giving their very best. This individual consistently meets or beats deadlines, pitches in to assist out, and goes above and beyond what is required. He’s doing a fantastic job. A quick test: When was the last time you praised the employee’s efforts? When was the last time he got a sincere “well done?”

It’s okay if you can’t put your finger on it. In the day-to-day grind of any team, it’s easy for things like praising workers’ accomplishments to go by the wayside. Forty percent of workers said their firm does not make employee appreciation a top priority.

The real issues arise, though, when team members are expected to keep up their excellent job while receiving little recognition for it. That’s why a growing number of businesses now consider employee rewards essential.

What is It and Why is Employee Recognition Important?

To go above and beyond basic measures (such as salary and incentives) to acknowledge and reward employees’ excellent performance is what we call employee recognition.

This idea is rather general and may take numerous shapes. A sincere remark at a team meeting or a handwritten letter left on your desk is just as meaningful as a stellar performance assessment or a fat bonus.

The phrases “appreciation” and “recognition” of employees are sometimes used interchangeably. While they are often used interchangeably, their meanings are distinct.

Recognition-focused workplace cultures saw 31% reduced rates of employee turnover.

The most basic distinction is that recognition is given in exchange for good work. It has everything to do with how productive a person is and how well they do their job.
The value they provide as coworkers and as people is more important than whatever achievements they may have achieved.

The Value of Recognizing Employees

Recognizing and appreciating workers’ efforts is a simple but effective way to improve morale within an organization. Employee appreciation is great for morale, but it also offers numerous additional advantages for the business as a whole.

Why is Employee Recognition Important? Because it Boosts Commitment

It’s discouraging to be treated like a number, and if workers continue to feel unimportant, they’ll eventually go elsewhere for employment.

The numbers don’t lie: whereas 12.4% of workers who do feel recognized have had an interview in the last three months, 21.5% of those who don’t feel recognized have.

Why is Employee Recognition Important? Because it Boost Efficiency

Picture yourself making a presentation to your superiors all week. Get there early, stay late, and give it your all to make sure the final touches are flawless.

You send it off, and they respond with a cursory email asking whether you’ve seen the quarterly numbers.
No longer do we feel anything. When all you get in return for your hard work is a simple “thank you,” it’s hard to find the drive to put in the same amount of effort on the next job your boss gives you. Probably not on the same scale as before.

Your staff members are in the same boat. It’s difficult to maintain motivation when your successes and efforts are consistently disregarded. For this reason, it’s no surprise that most of the employees say they put in more effort and a lot say they produce more when their supervisor expresses gratitude for their efforts.

It Improves Company Culture

If a team’s excellent efforts are seldom acknowledged, the atmosphere will deteriorate rapidly. Team members get more resentful and frustrated, yet they do what they must out of a sense of futility.
In contrast, 85% of HR managers believe that employee recognition programs enhance business culture, therefore making recognition a priority may significantly boost your team’s chances.

Best Ways of Employee Recognition

When praising workers’ contributions after launching an employee recognition program, there are a few more guidelines to follow. Also, you can check this piece.

Comment in Details

Saying “When compared to “You did a terrific job in this month’s website traffic report,” the phrase “You’re doing a great job” falls short. The pie chart that broke down how often people came back was my favorite part.” Provide targeted praises. This demonstrates that you are paying attention to the work your employees have done, as opposed to providing generic comments out of habit.

Think Huge and Tiny

Outstanding accomplishments should be acknowledged, but if you set your sights on nothing less than perfection, your expressions of appreciation and praise will be few and far between. Recognize and applaud your efforts, no matter how little (e.g., “Thank you very much for your fantastic proposal for today’s team meeting”). You’ll be able to encourage your staff by publicly acknowledging their efforts more often.

Involve Everyone You Can

As was previously noted, it’s not enough to prioritize employee appreciation if you’re the only one doing it. Make your case to other corporate executives to get more frequent compliments. Having a company culture that values your contributions is essential when your team is working on initiatives outside of its area of expertise. Make it a point to reinforce employee appreciation for one another. Colleague feedback is likewise highly prized.


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