What are the most important features to look for in an employee mobile app? We have compiled a list of what we believe to be the most crucial for effective for communication and management. Also, we have discussed why these apps are the future of the workplace here in our blogpost!
1) Employee Mobile App Specified for Phone
Websites used to only work on desktop computers since that’s how everyone got online. The proliferation of mobile devices necessitated an adjustment in the way websites and applications were built.
Many individuals, we know, never leave home without their cell phones. Any employee may use the app if it is built for mobile and is available in app stores like the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. They’re more likely to get it on their phones and use it often.
The Mobile-friendly Version Available for both iOS and Android
Consider allowing workers to bring their own phones to the office instead of buying and providing smartphones for everyone. Employees are more likely to use the workplace intranet if they know they can do so from their already familiar devices.
2) Adaptability is Important for Employee Mobile App
Setting up an employee mobile app does not lend itself well to a formulaic approach. Indeed, each firm has its own company culture, and it’s important for the logo and color scheme of the company’s official employee mobile app to represent that.
3) Push Notifications are Essential For Employee Mobile App
Use cases for push notifications in the workplace range from critical company-wide news to revised safety standards to group-specific information.
In the event of an emergency, push notifications may be utilized to disseminate important information to staff members. According to a study, sending push notifications increases app retention rates by 3 to 10 times.
4) Submitting and Discussing Content
If employees have access to up-to-date information about the firm, they may learn more about the initiatives being taken by their coworkers in other departments. Documents related to a project may be found and accessed by all team members easily. This means efforts won’t be diverted away from where they should be: on generating results.
5) Recent News from the Company
Including corporate updates and announcements in an employee mobile app is essential. They may start their search for this kind of helpful data right here. This is an easy way to let everyone in the firm know about positive press coverage or nominations for awards.
Top-down communications, such as those from the CEO’s office, may also be broadcast across an organization’s employee mobile app.
6) Taking the Pulse of the Workforce
Using surveys to gauge workers’ reactions to proposed policy changes is one way for businesses to gauge how their employees are feeling about working there. The poll gives employees a voice in the changes their company proposes, both in terms of what they like and what causes them anxiety.
Employees should be allowed to open up to upper management and share their thoughts without fear of getting labeled. This may be ensured most effectively by keeping online surveys private.
7) Notices
Employees should be informed of notices, which are non-critical things, for their own benefit. You may put them on the employee mobile app The following are some examples of potential topics they may address:
- Sharing the most recent findings from polls
- Notifying workers of a party or other event
- Appreciating a frontline that goes the extra mile for a client
- Notifying employees of a potential system issue that might impair their job
8) The Search Bar
If you’ve ever spent time at the office looking for information you know is “somewhere” in the digital corporate archives but can’t quite place it, you’ll appreciate the aggravation involved. Think of how much more frustrating it would be for a remote worker who can’t just turn to their neighbor for advice.
The workplace intranet has a plethora of articles and posts, but you can quickly and easily locate the one you need with the help of a search bar.
Our product, Empactivo, which we are pleased to offer you and which we strive to make better every day, has all of these features and more. Organizational communication may run more smoothly with the help of Empactivo’s end-to-end employee experience platform.