The Birth Of A New Category: Employee Experience Platform

employee experience platfrom

One of our day’s most significant HR trends is an endeavor to simplify the lives – and jobs – of firm workers. In an overheated labor market, workers are increasingly departing the firm freely in quest of a better job—some studies indicate a voluntary turnover of %15 (meaning one in six employees will quit the company this year of their own free choice). At the same time, workers are working harder, suffering more stress, and feeling less productive. In reality, productivity drops in all mature economies (revenue per hour worked) and most economists cannot agree on the reasons for this phenomenon. I think the major cause is the move to a new, digital style of working, but also all my research suggests that this is how organizations adjust to the new realities of employment: perpetual “oneness”, transitory contracts, and the necessity for constant connection.

Employees Are Swamped

The typical US employee spends roughly %25 of their work time reading and responding to emails.

More than %80 enterprises evaluate their business as “extremely challenging” or “difficult” for their staff.

Fewer than %16 employers are taking measures to “make life easier” for their workers or providing aid to handle stress.

4%0 of the US people feel that the harmonious integration of work and family life is unattainable.

At the same time, HR personnel throughout the globe are adopting new cloud platforms, altering performance management programs, and further complicating incentive and reward systems to enhance productivity.

This continual competition for perks and prizes is ludicrous. Companies’ expenditure on employee perks and compensation climbed to 32 percent of the overall payroll. The major increase went to medical, healthy living programs, and pension schemes. Companies are forced to address the holes in the US economy, and the responsibility falls on HR.

And at the same time, we are spending more and more on HR technologies. The HR technology industry is valued at more than $8 billion, with another $4 billion committed by investment funds in the development of new technologies. (Just last week, a private equity group purchased Ultimate Software for $11 billion in hopes of generating much more.)

But Do All These Techniques Help?

The answer to this question is “to some degree”. Despite billions of dollars spent on cloud-based HR solutions, data suggests that the HR technology industry is growing more complicated. Yes, most organizations are glad that they now have a single system for accounting for all data, and in reality, new platforms replace incompatible systems that could not be combined into one.

But the more I speak to firms and examine the information, the more I notice that even after introducing an expensive human resource management system, organizations still aren’t providing the employee experience they hoped for. In a research, it is discovered that of the %59 organizations that anticipated their new platforms to be simpler to use, just %39 really achieved this objective. More and more businesses are stating “yes, we have done a significant transformation to Workday/Oracle/Success factors, but we still haven’t reached the level of ease of use for workers that we need!

What Is OK When It Comes To Employee Experience Platform

So what exactly is the issue? The HR technology infrastructure is evolving at a rate that is quicker than we are aware of. To obtain a single system for managing human resources is an impossibility at this point, even if it is theoretically possible.

Take a look at what’s available to buy. Despite the fact that Google, Facebook, and Amazon are made up of a slew of distinct systems, as a user, we see only one. Similarly, we need to create a solution architecture for our company’s workers in the same manner that these giants have done so. The Employee Experience Platform like our Empactivo is a must in the future world of HR technology and services.

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