Among all employees working moms have a special place. They make up %32 of all women in the workforce according to a survey based on the US labor force.
What are the best sides of working with moms in your workplace? Well, first of all, mothers have structured themselves resilient, durable, and capable of multitasking. They have beyond good organization skills. They are good at communication and that makes them good at sales. They are good negotiators.
In what ways may employers assist their employees?
As a result of the epidemic, many businesses now enable their employees to work from home or modify their schedules to take advantage of evenings, weekends, and any other time they are not with their children. After a few months, it became evident that this strategy was not sustainable.
Allow employees to work part-time or take unpaid time off.
Part-time employment rules, on the other hand, have shown to be more effective in retaining women in the workforce.
Pay for a babysitter or nanny.
Mothers are in desperate need of both time and money at this stage in the epidemic. In order to support their family, they might utilize the money in a variety of ways, such as for child care, tutoring, or to supplement their income while on unpaid leave. Only a few firms have covered child care expenses.
Don’t punish those who provide care for others.
Leaders should bear into account how much extra work and stress their employees have had to cope with when conducting employee assessments. For parents and non-parents alike: Additional consideration should be given to rehiring personnel who departed for caregiving reasons during the epidemic.
Resuming a typical workday.
Unpredictable scheduling and long face time damage parents and others. Lessons from this pandemic era include the fact that individuals thrive when they have greater control over their work environments and schedules—especially those who are mothers. There are advantages to working in an office, but businesses may enable mothers to work some days from home and other days from the office.
Focus on outcomes, not time.
The power of working parents is the capacity to concentrate on tasks that have the most effect on the most critical objectives.
Weeding out what’s not important is an important skill to have. As long as working mothers are given freedom, they may discover what works for them. Before, an eight-hour workday was sufficient, but today, three three-hour workdays may be the key to increased output.