The remote work system during the pandemic has created a consciousness shift in the business world. Work@Home for every employee regardless of the company size has become the new normal with its own pros and cons. Projecting the experience of 2020 to 2021, it can be guessed that 2021 will be 50/50 for remote/office hours; which forces business executives to find new and renovated ways for employee recognition. Here are eight employee recognition ideas you can take.
1) Make It Personal and Unforgettable
Personalization is the keyword of the evolved business world. When choosing your employee recognition award, it would be better for you to know your employees’ personalities and give personalized gifts suitable for them. Depending on your company’s culture, you may give a digital gift voucher or experimental activities like online cooking classes. Consider the first half of the year we will stay at home so you can gift them the webinar they want to attend or an online guitar course or any other significant gift.
2) Recognition From All is The Key
Reward your employees in a way where he/she is recognized by other hard workers as well. When your employee achieves something, let others know about their hard work. Get together often and cheer each other on. Arrange meetings for celebrations. Employees like to feel a part of a community and feel appreciated.
3) Ask Your Employees About It!
You may consider the ideas of your employees to give them the value they need and support their self-esteem. All they want is to contribute and get recognized. So it’s best to ask employee recognition ideas directly what they need, to get recognized is the best question for them to be asked of.

4) Gamification for Grown-Ups
Do you know that progress is the fountain of dopamine? When we feel we are making progress, we release dopamine. That is why mobile apps and video games are so tempting. You can trade on this fact into your company’s good. For example, a table sheet containing earned badges may be a good idea for gamification.
5) Reward Holistic Achievements Rather Than Performance
Think big clean up! Reward your employee’s well behaviors as well as their successes. Workplaces are an employee’s most time spent place. So both employees and leaders are searching for peacefulness and happiness. Therefore, well behaviors like taking part in protecting the environment are the ones that should be encouraged.
6) Think Inside Of the Box!
Allow your employees to be anonymous and suggest management. When they are anonymous, people tend to be more honest. The companies which want to be more honest themselves about the opinions of their employees, can use a digital suggestion box and show they care for their employees.
7) A Surprise Day Off
When an employee accomplishes something worthy, he/she would never refuse an offer of a day off! Being a human is being a complete structure, and if the company recognizes that structure with all aspects of it, the employees will be happy and the workplace is.

8) Knock Knock!
When it comes to rewarding an employee, thinking out of the box may be precious without a doubt. But the cliches are cliche for a reason. Sending a gift like a full bar of Toblerone is smooth payment for the company and very rewarding for the employee. For the more significant cases, leaders may even consider arranging a gift delivery to the employee’s place during work hours, preferably while at a meeting.