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Diversity In The Workplace: Diving Deep Into DEI

Workplace DEI is just the newest HR term for some. In the eyes of others, this way of working is self-evident. Sophisticated companies look at diversity and inclusion as a way to give everyone a chance to succeed. In addition to … Read More

business coaching

Business Coaching In The Workplace

What is the definition of business coaching?  Human resources departments may use corporate coaching as a tool to support employees in their quest for personal and professional growth.  Once upon a time, it was a simple question of safety that … Read More


Communication And Active Participation

Communication is everything. You and I can’t avoid communicating. Good soft-skills training is essential in order to make a difference, of course. In this case, the importance of both the “what” and the various “hows” of communicating can’t be overstated. They … Read More

employee experience

Employee Experience Detailly Explained

It is much more than human resource management and talent management in an organization: the employee experience (EX) is the key to motivating and retaining the brightest minds in the company, because it involves the entire employee journey, like a … Read More


Herzberg ‘s Two-Factor Model

When scientists looked into what would make construction workers happy, they came up with the dual-factor hypothesis. According to Herzberg, there is a distinct difference between what makes individuals happy and what makes them unhappy at work. Success, recognition, and … Read More

Candidate Experience

Candidate Experience

The candidate’s recruiting experience has a direct influence on how he or she will view and appraise the whole firm. If a job candidate is mistreated, he or she will most likely communicate an unfavorable view about the firm to … Read More


Why Well-Being Matters, and How To Boost Yours?

Well-being at work has gotten a lot of attention recently, and for excellent purpose! In the past several years, many people believed that well-being was just physical, but now we know that a positive mindset is just as important to … Read More

employee loyalty

6 Key Elements Of Employee Loyalty

There are certain factors that affect employee loyalty. The first is to have a purpose at work. After that comes if the person’s company respects their personal lives. How they treat the employee is certainly very important when it comes … Read More


Workplace Donation In 5 Steps

There is a good probability that you have participated in a corporate donation program at some point in your career. In order to give gifts to the charity you care about, organizational donating is a simple and effective method of doing … Read More

Employee experience platform

Why We Use An Employee Experience Platform?

Perspective is everything.Take a look at what makes your team so unique. Is it because of the individuals? Thousands of people, possibly even tens of thousands of individuals make up your company, each with their own set of interests, requirements, … Read More