How many times have you worked for a manager who didn’t show their gratitude for your efforts, no matter how hard you worked, or how creative you were? If that’s the case, you’re not alone. Despite the fact that it is not a pleasurable time, most of us have been in this position at some point in our lives. At some time, you may find yourself “fortunate” enough to have your accomplishments relegated to the chance of being overlooked, discounted, or even disregarded.
This might be aggravating as a worker, but it can be much more aggravating as a manager to see this in action among your team members. There are many leaders that really care about their employees and think that they demonstrate their appreciation in significant ways on a daily basis. However, leaders may unwittingly and mistakenly undercut their employees and make them feel undervalued, and that gratitude doesn’t always get conveyed in an effective manner. To prevent this to happen, there are simple yet effective steps a leader can take. Let’s have a look at them together!
Honor Individuals, Not Their Abilities
It’s simple to focus just on the work at hand, such as the company’s or management’s goals or objectives. Other forms of help are also needed, although they aren’t explicitly mentioned. Many workers aren’t satisfied with just being told “job well done” after they’ve done it. They want to be able to openly discuss a wide variety of topics, including those that are not directly linked to work, with their supervisors and coworkers. Appreciate workers’ efforts by noticing how they can lighten the mood of others or how they can start a discussion about their voluntary activities after hours. It’s also a good idea to reward your employees for their efforts without benefits,’ such as the ability to work from home, which may help boost morale and productivity on your team.
For both Great and Little Things, Show Gratitude
Expressing thanks for a variety of acts and achievements might help you prevent this. Gratitude should also be shown to those employees who play a lesser-known but equally important part in a company’s success.
The developers who push new features are simple to thank, but what about the folks who work behind the scenes? In the warehouse, or in IT, or those who remain late to organize social events or those who put up all the systems that enable people to work every day.
In order for a “culture of thanks” to thrive, thank everyone for their contributions, no matter how little they may seem to others.
Gratitude is something everyone should be able to do. It’s not about who has the most friends.
There Isn’t A Wrong Time To Express Gratitude
As we said before thanking someone should be focused on them as a person rather than a specific circumstance or outcome. Spend some time in thankfulness after a catastrophe. Thankfulness may help individuals cope with the stress of today’s challenging times, whether it’s a tiny inconvenience or a significant emotional upheaval, by developing an appreciation and setting it a principle and a practice. Gratitude is critical in these situations because, among other things, it allows us to view the wider picture or a wider perspective.
As one of our most fundamental and fundamental human needs is to feel valued, a growing body of studies shows that demonstrating thankfulness in the workplace has both commercial and personal advantages. In order to build a thankfulness culture across the firm, all workers must feel accountable for recognizing one other for their contributions and must be empowered to do so.