How to Use Employee Engagement to Increase Motivation

how to use employee engagement to increase motivation

In this article, we will explore the way to use employee engagement to grow motivation, backed by statistics and research. Employee engagement is a critical element of any successful commercial enterprise. When personnel sense engaged, they may be more prompted, effective, and happy with their work. 

What is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement refers to the emotional dedication an employee has to their activity and the company they work for. Engaged personnel are captivated with their work, passionate about the enterprise’s dreams, and willing to move above and past to make a contribution to its success. An engaged workforce is the inspiration of a high-performing company.

How Does Employee Engagement Increase Motivation?

Engaged employees are greater influenced than their disengaged counterparts. They experience a feeling of the cause of their work and are much more likely to be invested in the corporation’s success. Here are some ways that employee engagement can growth motivation:

Recognition and Rewards

Engaged personnel respect the reputation for his or her hard work. An examination by means of Gallup discovered that personnel who acquire recognition are much more likely to be engaged and encouraged. Companies can use quite a few recognition and reward applications to engage employees, together with employee of the month awards, bonuses, and promotions. You may also need to bear in mind our Empactivo since we are speaking about popularity and rewards. By the usage of give up to stop employee experience platform Empactivo you’ll have a communication tool. Communication is the key to worker engagement. Here is the link to our closing weblog, wherein you may discover the significance of conversation when it comes to worker engagement. 

Opportunities for Growth

Engaged employees need to examine and grow in their careers. They are more likely to be motivated in the event that they sense that their employer is making an investment in their improvement. Companies can provide possibilities for growth through training and improvement programs, mentoring, and leadership possibilities.

Positive Work Environment

Engaged employees thrive in superb work surroundings. They need to work for a company that values their well-being and promotes wholesome work-lifestyles stability. Companies can foster fine work surroundings with the aid of selling open communique, imparting bendy work preparations, and providing worker health applications.

Statistics on Employee Engagement and Motivation

Here are some statistics that demonstrate the importance of employee engagement in increasing motivation:

  • Companies with engaged employees achieve twice the annual net income of companies with disengaged employees. (Gallup)
  • Engaged employees take an average of 2.7 sick days per year, compared to disengaged employees who take 6.2 sick days. (Gallup)
  • 69% of employees say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognized. (Globoforce)
  • 87% of millennials say professional development opportunities are very important in their job. (Deloitte)


Employee engagement is a powerful tool for increasing motivation in the workplace. Engaged employees are more productive, take fewer sick days, and are more likely to stay with their employer long-term. Companies can use a variety of strategies to increase employee engagement, such as recognition and rewards, opportunities for growth, and promoting a positive work environment. By investing in employee engagement, companies can create a motivated and high-performing workforce.

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