Communication And Active Participation


Communication is everything. You and I can’t avoid communicating. Good soft-skills training is essential in order to make a difference, of course.

In this case, the importance of both the “what” and the various “hows” of communicating can’t be overstated. They both impact the cause and employee participation, with cascade effects on corporate success. The psychological environment in which one feels “safety” and a proper mix of positive and negative feedback is essential for the empowerment of people and the performance of a team.
Google, IBM, and Gallup are just companies whose research has been reviewed in this new piece. Companies that were already good at communicating with their employees during an emergency like the pandemic were also the best at handling the epidemic.

The Importance of Positive Feedback

Nearly 3,000 temporary employees (20 to 35 years old, 55% female) were surveyed by the “Ad Interim” agency in 2003 to answer the question, “What gratifies you most in your job?”
Thirty percent of the comments were centered on the importance of a good wage, the opportunity to interact with others, and a promotion opportunity. 9.5% of the comments were praised by the company’s upper management.

It was suggested that this was a characteristic of introverts and was seen as a bad indicator of addiction, as well as an indication of a “childhood period” during which certain employees would feel the need for validation and other forms of fulfillment. This interpretation, however, indicates a startling underestimating of the significance of positive feedback and more generally of the good communication of managers, to which several studies have attracted attention in the last few years.

The footing is shaky, of course, since “compliments” and their meanings might be interpreted in a variety of ways. It’s important to distinguish between praises that separate organizations rather than unite them and compliments that encourage collaboration. “I” and “we” compliments are both lauded, but it’s important to distinguish between the “I” and “we” praises.

Manager’s Role In Active Communication

Positive feedback and the link between positive and negative feedback are less ambiguous and hazy. In this context, what should a competent manager do to be successful in this role?
A recent study emphasized the importance of creating conditions for the dissemination of corporate culture and inspiring enthusiasm and “engagement” (engagement) among employees as one of the many responsibilities it must address. It turns out that the capacity to offer positive feedback and maintain excellent conversational connections with everyone is a vital factor in fostering engagement.

Be clear that “involvement” is not only about the feelings and well-being of individual employees; it is a quantifiable value that has an impact on the daily operations of a company. There is a lot of evidence showing employees’ emotions have a direct impact on their performance, both good and negative, as well as on the quality of their relationships. performance. Another study has shown that a lack of “involvement” comes at a hefty cost.

According to Gallup researchers, in 2012, the following recurring effects of engagement were found: absenteeism, turnover, production losses/contractions, fewer defects in products, and fewer accidents and accidental damage were all reduced in organizations where workers felt more engaged. At the same time, productivity, profitability, positive customer reviews, and customer satisfaction increased.

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