How To Get Things Done With Fewer Meetings


One of the most essential aspects of working in a group is the advantages that come from regular meetings. Sadly, as companies and teams expand, so does the number of meetings, often to an intolerable level. It’s possible that many of these sessions will be ineffective.

Meeting too many times may have a negative impact on teams and businesses. They might have a negative impact on job satisfaction. These gatherings eat up precious time that might be spent on more useful activities. As a consequence of the wasted resources, they might be a burden on the organization

People in the company must still meet in order to communicate and operate effectively. Remember to be considerate of other people’s time. Many individual employees have to deal with an overabundance of meetings, which is addressed in this post.

How Many Meetings Are Enough For Things Not To Go Hectic?

Is weekly one-on-one time with each member of your staff truly necessary? Can there be a gap of 2 weeks? Do weekly meetings provide an advantage over those held every other week?
Start by looking at all of your regular meetings, including those that occur on a time basis. What’s the point of having them so frequently? Establish a schedule for catch-ups based on the frequency of your regular meetings. Seek assistance from your colleagues, and don’t be afraid to voice your concerns. Make a decision that is mutually agreeable.
Optimizing timings is another wonderful way to save valuable time. Examine your meetings to see how much time is used on useful conversation and how much is wasted to pass the time available.
For example, if a task takes longer than expected to complete, it will occupy the time given for it. When it comes to conferences, the same is true.

Asynchronous Meetings

When employees do not converse in real-time, it is called asynchronous meetings. To have a synchronous meeting, everyone in attendance must reserve the same amount of time on their calendars at the same time. When meeting in person, via phone, or through Teams, this is true. It is possible to interact asynchronously, such as by email, messaging platform, or an employee experience platform like Empactivo, on your own time. As a result, individuals don’t have to worry about being stopped when they speak up or ask for clarification. If your colleagues are located across various time zones or nations, this strategy is very advantageous.

How Empactivo Can Help You?

To decrease the number of meetings, it would be ideal to have a platform that your staff would like to use. Using Empactivo’s instant surveys, you don’t have to have meetings to obtain responses. In addition, you may tailor these surveys to a specific audience. Surveys tailored to certain subgroups may help you cut down on one-on-one sessions.

Also, you may significantly reduce the number of meetings by using virtual cards to distribute news to your staff. For subjects that you want the whole organization to be aware of at the same time, or if you just want to communicate with a certain group of individuals, these cards are ideal.
As you can see, despite the fact that the number of meetings may occasionally overwhelm employees, this problem can be easily solved with the right tools.

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